Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Errrr..... Uhmmmm... How do I start this? Okay here's the thing. My blog is still alive! I haven't blogged for 2 months already. Gaah, I'm such a loser. Honestly, I was in doubt if I would keep this blog or just ditch it. I was just really lazy for doing posts here on my blog, too lazy to update even my facebook account. Lazy for social networking sites to be exact, but except for my instagram account (follow me on ig @jianthebest. hehe) I'm really not into using our desktop or laptop for the whole summer. I was  just relying on my phone, that's why my instagram account is the most updated. Yeah I still somewhat check out my facebook account but I just don't find that social networking site good anymore. The people are just so annoying already, such attention whores. And one thing, there are many dumb and annoying people on my newsfeed that I can't even remember that I added or accepted friend requests from them. F*ck it. That's why I was thinking also of deactivating my account. 
Well, back to my "doubting issue" with this blog. Seriously, I really don't know what to do anymore, with my life actually, I guess? (errrr....) I just find myself loser for not updating my blog and that's exactly one of the reasons why I'm doubting to keep this or not. I'm such a lame creature. Haha but I had this realization, just yesterday. I just miss blogging so much!!! my blog is my confidante as well, which is a great thing in my life. I can post everything, post my dramas, whatever I'm feeling which I can't share on just any social networking sites. I just really hope my laziness won't deprive me. Hahaha well it's better to rarely post than posting but nothing, right? (just agree with me) So, I think this issue is done. My blog will be kept, forever! hahaha 
My next post I think would be about getting back to school, which will be in 5 days from now. I'm still kinda nervous about it although I'm in my 2nd year of college already. (hmmmm) so that's for now and 'Til I blog again, blog bugs! xx
