Friday, November 30, 2012

The Right Boyfriend

The Right Boyfriend

Boyfriend jeans are definitely back on fashion trend. This edgy look shows more femininity on every ladies, of course if you know how to pull off this look. Hmmm maybe I'll give a shot on this look, that would be for my next blog post :) So, watcha say on this blog bugs? tell me what's on your mind. Comment and follow! ;)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Kid's Party

Holla! I'm back to blogging again. Haha it's been a week since I blogged last. Well, maybe busy with school stuffs and others. Anyways, it's been a long time since I went to a kid/children's party. It was the 3rd birthday of my cousin, Alaistair yesterday. Obviously, it was an Angry Bird themed party of his, he just really loves those game characters! It wasn't just a birthday party but a gathering also of our family and relatives. For the two consecutive weekends, all of us were gathered indeed! Last weekend was Nanay Angela's death anniversary (my grandma's sister) and just yesterday was this children's party. See how tight our family is? :) Blood is really thicker than water. I've been missing hang-out's with friends already. Anyways, enjoy watchin' these photo stuffs :)
These cupcakes were so fuckin' delish. nomnom

Alaistair (carried by his dad) with his family
My all time fave dessert hmmmm
Such a cutie, baby Icy :>
Ador the clown
Outfit posts? Yeah, I miss having them! gotta be posting soon. Enjoy the day blog bugs!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Early November

As what I've said on the previous post, here are the photos of how was the early weeks of my November went through. Check 'em out :)
First day of class for 2nd sem. brown ladies. haha :)
happy 3 us!
Sophia's birthday (most right)
Milk tea time!
KFC w/ buddies
Brian's ribs @ Casa Verde
Nomnom again @ Big Mao

School gals ;)

Lucky us! we saw Kryz Uy in WAGW store in SM.
Army Navy treat from brotha. nomnom again
Crazy convo w/ all time crazy friend Tosh. Hahaha One More chance big fans we are.

All time fave halo-halo.
Poor lechon from last night's event here at home.
Though the school life that I have this semester is quite harder, there were still some stuffs that made me have a break. Food, very obvious in this one. Haha and of course the company of ever loving friends. That's for now blog bugs. 'Til I blog again! :)


Early November Description

Few weeks ago, life had been so buuusssyyy, and yeah seriously busy. I never thought second semester would be a whole lot different with the previous one. Full load, straight morning to afternoon classes (no chill breaks, just lunch break) difficult subjects strike, more strict teachers, always having quizzes, heavier traffics on the roads that I fuckin' don't know why. Okaaay kill me now -.- ugggh never thought college life would get hard as time goes by, and a whole lot harder on the coming years. Whenever I arrived home from school, I just felt so fuckin tired that I always fell asleep fast, but woke up during midnight or around 1-2 am. Though stress is really occuring, there were also sometimes that I got to have a break, of course. It's been always about food. Haha food trips were the best thing that happened and been happening in this early part of the month. Since my Aunt together with her two sons arrived from Scotland, we just kept on having food trips on great resto's around the city. Well, we indeed are family, have great common love for food. Haha :) Well, I'll just be posting instagram photos from my friend Danica and random photos from my phone of how was the few weeks of November had been on my next blog entry. I'll be posting those later this afternoon maybe, gotta search for my usb wire. Haha so words for now, photos later ;)


Friday, November 9, 2012

Get Ready

Well, classes had started again. There are still no formal classes in all of my subjects, but there were some teachers who already gave their rules and conditions in the class. To clear this up, 2ND SEM WILL PROBABLY EAT ME UUUPPPP!!! (oh sorry for being exag but it's true) two terror teachers that I will be dwelling with for the whole semester, more units, difficult subjects are coming over ft. the terror teachers handling it. My goodness, I can't imagine what would be my life soon. Ugh -.- well "real school" is really occurring I think. It would be a whole lot different with my first semester life, so fuckin' chill like a boss. Damn. Negative vibes are still running on my mind, if I could survive or what. But no, I don't have to mind them. If others can, much more I, right? Good vibes, come in me pleaassee? :) So the point in here is I have to be more serious with my studies this time. Wake up EARLIER. And learn to study more. Sounds creepy. Haha Seriously, I'll do better this time no matter what. Fight, fight, fight!
That's all for now blog bugs. 'Til I blog again. :)